#1 Rated Coach For Peak Performance

Book Your Free 15 Minute Call w/ Stephanie

Learn How To Clear Mind Fog into Unstoppable Efficiency with the Compassionate Compass Method





This is the "SIGN" you’ve been looking for.

You know why you need to keep yourself healthy but unlock the "HOW TO's" to make it sustainable and become productive!

What's covered during your FREE call w/ Stephanie:

Understanding Your Stress Response

Learn how stress affects your body physically, mentally, and emotionally,

and discover the science behind the "fight, flight, or freeze" response.

Identifying Personal Stress Triggers

Gain insights into your unique stress triggers and learn how to recognize the signs of stress in your daily life.

Effective Stress Management Strategies

Explore practical techniques and tools for managing stress, including relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, and lifestyle adjustments.

Crafting Your Stress Management Plan

Receive guidance on developing a personalized stress management plan tailored to your individual needs and lifestyle, empowering you to navigate stress with confidence and resilience.

Nurturing Body and Mind

Discover holistic approaches to self-care that promote resilience and well-being, including nutrition tips, exercise strategies, and techniques for cultivating a positive mindset.

Building Long-Term Resilience

Learn how to build resilience to stress over time by strengthening your coping skills, fostering social support networks, and cultivating habits that support overall well-being with the Compassionate Compass Method.

Meet your Functional Wellness Specialist

Stephanie Solaris

Hi, I'm Stephanie! I follow what I preach deeply because I've walked that path myself.

Seventeen years ago, I found myself weighing 246 lbs, grappling with chronic ulcers, insomnia, dental issues, IBS, and unrelenting fatigue – all the repercussions of a life overwhelmed by stress, both personally and professionally.

Despite my earnest efforts, no weight loss program seemed to work for me. When seeking solutions for my physical and mental exhaustion, the advice I received was often limited to reliance on anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medications.

This personal journey led me back to school, where I trained with top professionals in the field. Eventually, I developed a unique system for Solaris Whole Health – a system born out of my own experiences, struggles, and triumphs.

Here’s What Our Patients Say

We practice what we preach. Get to know the incredible transformations we

have been able to make in our patient’s lives.

“Stephanie is just a phone call away!”

I’m an LA-based SWH client, and through face-to-face Skype conversations, Stephanie and I have been able to effectively map out a nutrition plan for me and monitor my progress over the last 2 years. I get the same benefits as if I were meeting her in person, and I know that if I have a question, she is only a phone call away.


PR Executive, 34

“Stephanie is just a phone call away!”

I’ve gotten control of a lot of bad habits and poor decisions about my nutritional health. My energy is higher, my weight is lower (30lbs), my muscle higher and my mind is sharper. I have not tried other nutrition plans, but it is hard to believe there is a better one than this.


Executive, 54

“Stephanie is just a phone call away!”

After 4 months I’ve dropped 2 sizes and haven’t had any infections. I feel in control of my eating. She has done more for me and for my health than any practitioner ever did in 40 years. She has taken past history, present habits and created a program that suits me to be healthy in ALL ways.


Mother of 5, 41